Thursday, 27 May 2010

A few details...

The IHH ship Mavi Marmara is setting sail with 563 passengers onboard.

In addition to the 369 Turkish participants there are 194 others from 31 different countries sharing the facilities on the converted passenger ship.

There are 31 British participants, 32 Algerian including 10 MPs, 32 Jordanian including 1 MP, 16 Kuwaitis including 1 MP, 11 Malaysian, 11 Indonesian, 5 Israel residents of 1948 land including one female MP, 5 Bahrainian including 1 MP, 5 Moroccan including 1 MP, 4 Yemeni including 3 MPs, 4 Lebanese, 3 Belgian, 3 Spanish, 3 Macedonian, 3 German, 3 Australian, 2 Swedish, 2 Palestinian, 2 Egyptian both MPs, 2 Canadian, 2 Syrian, 2 Pakistani, 2 Mauritanian, 2 USA, 1 Kosovan, 1 Greek, 1 Irish, 1 South African, 1 French. In addition there is a previous Archbishop of Jerusalem named Archbishop Ilarion Kaputce who was imprisoned in 1974 in Israel convicted of assisting Palestinan resistance and he currently lives in exile in the Vatican. He was given a 12 year sentence in 1974 but was released to Rome after the Pope’s intervention on condition he never returned to Palestine.

The following media are represented onboard (journalists/ reporters):

Al Jazeera Arabic x 2
Al Jazeera English x 3
Al Jazeera documentary team x 3
El Quds x 1
El Aqsa TV x 1
Venezuela-Telesur TV x 1
Kuwait News Agency x 2
Press TV UK x 1
South Africa Radio 786 x 1
Al Hiwar UK 1 + 1
Gulf News Agency x 1
Indonesia TV One x 1
Indonesia The Brunei Times x 2
Indonesia Islamic Magazine, Suara Hidayatullah x 1
Indonesia Al Jazeera x 1
Indonesia Eramuslim Group x 1
AJ TV Pakistan x 2
Malaysia x 5
Jordan x 1
Spain x 2

In terms of cargo onboard the 2 IHH cargo ships these have been listed as follows:

The Ship ‘Gaza’
Cement – 2104 tons
Iron bars – 600 tons (8-12-14-16 mm diameter, 150 tons each)

Ceramic tile adhesive – 50 tons

The Ship ‘Defne Y’
Iron – 150 tons (for use in building pontoons and floats)

Power Units (5 units of 85kws – 2 units of 145 kws – 6 of 150 kws – 3 of 165 kws – 1 of 100 kws and 1 of 35 kws)

Power Units (80 units of 1-2-5 kws)

Prefab homes – 50 units of 58m2 and 40 units of 12.5 m2

Childrens’ playgrounds – 16 units (combined sets, seesaws and slides)

Medical equipment – Ultrasound Scan device, Electric patient bed, dentistry unit, Doppler echocardiography devices, wheelchairs, disabled electric mobility scooters, stretchers, deambulators, autoclaves, mammography device, microscopes, haemodialysis machines, radiology monitors, crutches, ENT Units, operating beds, gynaecological couches.

Medicines (a container load of assorted medicines)

Construction supplies including tiles, timber, fibreboard, cage, plumbing supplies, electric equipment, plastic window frames, glass, steel cables, measuring tools, hand carts, nails, mountings, bathroom fittings, paint, power distribution units, ladders, isolation materials,

Hardware supplies: electric hand tools, machines, ovens)

Stationery items – pens, pencils, erasers, notebooks, playdough, toys.

Textiles (towels, bedding, shoes, fabric, carpets, kitchenware, quilts, blamkets, couches and beds)

Food items (dried lima beans, chickpeas)

The largest cargo ship was bought by Algeria and the other by Kuwait.


  1. Didn't you bring your swimming costumes? You are going to need them for the swim back to wherever you came from!

  2. You don't have to worry about that... Israel's PR offensive not working & stands exposed.. The ships will deliver the goods iA, to the people of Gaza...

  3. Feel v emotional as I read this list of much-needed supplies.

    Give my salaams to all who were on the VP3 convoy. I know you'll stay strong in the face of Israeli intimidation. The world is with you and the zionists and their backers know that - it's what makes them so angry!

    You are setting an example to the world and shaming those who had the money and the power to intervene, yet have stood by for years while Palestinians have endured impossible hardships.

    As one group of Turkish communists used to say: We are right; we will win! Viva Viva Palestina - next stop Gaza!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Qu'Allah vous protège et vous accorde la Réusssite et la Victoire pour cette vie et pour l'Autre Vie, amin
    Quant aux lâches qui cherchent à nuire, à décourager les bonnes volontés et se moquent de la souffrance d'autrui , qu'Allah leur envoie Sa lumière, amin

    Mon grand Salam à vous, mes frères et soeurs de Palestine, et qui souffrez partout sur Terre... enfants de la Terre, Amoureux de Beauté et d'Amour... Et de JUSTICE. A vous tous qui luttez de tout coeur.

    (erratum by the 1st)
